The Moral Decay!!






I will, once again,  most likely get very, very blunt in this article because I have to!!  With the mentality of today’s people, if I’m not going to be blunt and exact, some of you readers just won’t get it!! You won’t get what I’m saying unless I just come right out and say it!!  So, I will and some of you readers will not like it.  But, I don’t care!!  I speak the truth, plain and simple, whether you all like it or not!!

The morality of today’s world is just absolutely spiraling right down hill!!  We see this every single day on the television!!  We see it every single day when we just walk out the door!!  We see adultery, homosexual activity, abortion, robberies, murders, drugs, you name it—we see it!!  Simply put, this is all disrespect for human life!!  The stuff is just being shoved down our throats as if we are the ones who are to accept all this as a part of normal life!!  Yet, it is those same people who claim that we are shoving OUR good Christian morals down their throats—they never want to hear it!!  Those people do not want to accept good Christian morals!!  They would prefer to hear that their immoral lifestyle is wonderful, beautiful, normal and OKAY!! But, it’s not!!

Let me “speak” about adultery!!  And, before I go any further, I will speak about homosexual activity—because that’s all apart of this adultery stuff.

We constantly hear about people parading all around various cities, clamoring—DEMANDING—to have same-sex marriage LEGALIZED!!  Well, I’ve got news for you all:  ONE man, ONE woman—and nothing more!!  Now, this kind of marriage will never, ever be accepted in the Roman Catholic Church, PRAISE GOD!!!  But, modern society —those, in society, who DO NOT care about God AT ALL—want these same-sex unions to be civilly recognized and, in some states, sadly they already are!!

Same-sex unions—-homosexual activity, period—destroy the family!!  And, notice, too, that I say homosexual activity.  I say that because there is a difference between the two!!  The difference is:  one is the temptation and the other is the act, which is the sin!!  There are a lot of people who are homosexuals.  But, they never act out their inclinations, and that has to be one BIG TIME cross for them to carry—and God bless them for it!!  As the Catholic Church teaches, homosexuals are called to lead a life of chastity, too, just like we all are!!  Homosexual activity is the sin, which is so displeasing to Almighty God!!

Another absolute moral decay in today’s world:  abortion!!  As we, pro-lifers, believe:  there are two victims of abortion—one lives and the other dies.  Sobering thought.  Very sobering thought.

When a mother has an abortion—that’s murder!!  Notice that I say “mother”—the woman becomes mama at the exact moment of the conception of the unborn baby even if she doesn’t know that she’s pregnant.  She’s mom, right from the get-go.

Abortion is a holocaust offering to satan!!   (I will not capitalize the “s” in his name because he does not deserve it!!! )  Abortion is all apart of devil worship, whether the mom knows it or not.  I say this based on my own knowledge from the local abortion mill in my own city.  What else can it be other than devil worship?  They kill as many babies as they can and offer it up to satan.  Who are “they”?  The owners of the abortion mills, and probably the abortionists, too.  I know this because the former owner of the local abortion mill, in my city, is a satanist and, not only that, I have read about what goes on regarding abortions.  It is all apart of witchcraft—satanism.  It makes absolute sense to say that abortion is satanic because satan wants to kill off God’s little armies.

Trust me people, satan exists and he roams the earth NOW!!  HELL exists and for those of you who don’t believe me—well, you will find out in time, sadly enough.

And, speaking about satan and hell—now’s a fine time to bring in the topic of rock-n-roll again, as I’ve mentioned that in other blog articles.  Rock-n-roll is satan’s FAVORITE music—no doubt!!  Since he wants to claim your soul as his very own—rock-n-roll is one of the ways that he is trying to do so.  Those of you who are addicted to rock music—you could care less about the lyrics.  It’s not the lyrics that get ya—it’s the boom-boom, boom-boom kinda music.  THAT’S what rock-n-roll devotees really like—that’s what I liked when I was addicted to the stuff.  In fact, probably 85-90% of the time, we can’t understand one word being sung by these different rock stars anyway.

But, rock-n-roll is full of MIND CONTROL!!  It puts one in a certain “mood” and it gives one certain “desires” and if that particular individual is with someone of the opposite sex . . . well,  before ya know it, the girl is pregnant.  And, if the girl doesn’t want the baby, she basically offers him/her as a holocaust offering to satan.  So, right there, I’ve basically stated the connection between rock music, pre-marital sex, and abortion!!

So, for those of you who seriously considering having an abortion, think again . . . and again, and again, and again, and again.  Not only are you murdering your unborn baby.  But, you are also doing so in order for your baby’s death to be offered up to satan

Let’s not forget the elderly, too.  A lot of them are being so mistreated, and even euthanized.  And, you know why?  People just do not care!!  They don’t care about the unborn and they do not care about the elderly.

So, as you can all see, morality is being buried in the ground and is decaying.  All that a lot of people seem to care about is worldly stuff.  But, they don’t prepare themselves for the next life!!

I don’t know about any of you, but, I’m never going to bury my morality and I suggest that you all do the same!!!

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